
Naxentia is a consultancy specially designed in improving the performance and worth of companies.

The combination of our senior professionals, the Corporate Finance teams, and our own methodology helps to speed up the implementation of tailor-made solutions and the sale of businesses for a better value.


Since 2009 in Brazil, currently based in Sao Paulo, we have had over 50 successful cases, carried out with the support of several international partners.



>> Problem solving: we are known for solving problems

>> Robust national and international financial network, through a unique partnership with investment funds

>> Seniority of resources: Team of hands-on senior executives. We support client management – we work directly with the company managers, developing a credible and executable plan, as advisors, negotiators or occupying acting management positions.

>> Own and modern methodologies applied to your business: Our multifunctional teams are trained with the most modern management concepts (eg: scrum) to obtain the best result within the shortest time.

We improve
your business

The crisis management and restructuring teams recover our clients’ businesses, both in the initial crisis phase as well as in the profitability recovery phase.

We solve

Financial, corporate or succession crises. We perform as acting managers or advisors and provide our clients with a senior multidisciplinary team, with leadership and a proven track record of accomplishments.

We raise funds
in capital markets

Our capital markets team offers funding options for raising funds in excess of R$ 35 million. Funding can restructure old debts, equalize cash flow and make new investments, for example.

We advise you on selling or
purchasing businesses (M&A)

Our international presence allows for transactions to be carried out outside Brazil. Our merger and acquisition team has partners who have carried out numerous complex transactions.

Target clients

  • Need to renegotiate debts, improve management performance or that are facing other difficulties

  • Want to improve their business before selling

  • We also help entrepreneurs to raise funds and acquire new businesses or sell existing ones